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blog Life February 7, 2019 ten things you probably didn’t know about me

ten things you probably don’t know about me

blog Life August 1, 2016 It’s been awhile…

Life has been pretty hectic these last few months… Since I last posted on this site I’ve finished another semester of college, stopped working with The Cougar, started two of my summer classes, been to California, finished one of my summer classes, the two magazines I took photos for released, started a third summer class, and now I’m sitting here drinking lemonade at midnight and reflecting on life in general.

blog Life January 22, 2016 2016 Goals | A Little Update

When I think of the new year, I automatically think of making resolutions and starting over. In the past couple of years, I’ve written down a list of resolutions, but they’ve never panned out. I think we put so much hype on January 1st and we get excited to make these life changes, but we get overwhelmed and quit by June. At least, that’s how it always go for me.

blog Life January 8, 2016 Galveston with Friends | NYE Photos

Happy New Year everyone! I can’t believe it’s already 2016. Time is just flying by! I usually never do anything for New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day, but this year a couple friends and I headed down to Galveston to hang out and celebrate the new year. 

blog Life October 11, 2015 101 in 1001 | Bucket List

I saw this over on Two Bleached Blondes and thought it would be a good idea to do as well. I’ve been attempting to find myself and who I want to be/what I want to do in life (especially after I graduate) and thought this would be a good way to document it and to also to keep on track. So let’s get started, shall we? 🙂

Start Date: October 11, 2015

End Date: July 8, 2018

Advice with B Beauty blog Life September 28, 2015 Body Image and Insecurities | Advice with B

I’ve struggled with my body image and insecurities for as long as I can remember. I don’t really ever remember a time where I was comfortable in my own skin. It’s definitely gotten better as I’ve grown up, but I still struggle on a daily basis with my insecurities. 

It’s not easy growing up in this society. You are constantly bombarded with images of women that you are told have the ideal body and with advertisements for products that will “help you look younger, slimmer, and more beautiful”. That’s all a load of BS. There is no ideal body, we all come in different shapes and sizes and we are all so beautiful. And the products that are advertised will not make you more beautiful, it’s what’s on the inside that matters.

Advice with B blog Life September 21, 2015 New Series?! | Advice with B

I’m currently writing this on the plane back to Texas from my month-long London trip. I just finished reading Louis Pentland’s (aka Sprinkle of Glitter) book and felt inspired. I don’t know if this will ever make it to the Internet (it did!) or even turn into anything, but I just felt like writing my thoughts out. 

(P.S. This post was written over a month ago in August)

blog Happy Friday Life September 18, 2015 5 Good Things | Happy Friday

I’m back with another Happy Friday! These are really fun to do and help me stay happy and focus on the good things in my life, rather than focus on the bad parts.

So these last couple of weeks have been pretty hectic, but really awesome as well. First things first…

blog Happy Friday Life August 28, 2015 Happy Friday | 5 Good Things

Hello everyone! I’m back! I’ve been pretty absent from my blog, but I felt really down and uninspired. I’ve also been traveling quite a bit this summer and just haven’t had time to sit and write anything. I’ve been brainstorming different ideas and I think I finally have found some things that I’m incredibly excited to begin.

I’ve decided to begin a weekly series, called Happy Fridays, where I write about a quote I really like or 5 good things that have happened to me that week. 

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