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Advice with B

Advice with B Beauty blog Life September 28, 2015 Body Image and Insecurities | Advice with B

I’ve struggled with my body image and insecurities for as long as I can remember. I don’t really ever remember a time where I was comfortable in my own skin. It’s definitely gotten better as I’ve grown up, but I still struggle on a daily basis with my insecurities. 

It’s not easy growing up in this society. You are constantly bombarded with images of women that you are told have the ideal body and with advertisements for products that will “help you look younger, slimmer, and more beautiful”. That’s all a load of BS. There is no ideal body, we all come in different shapes and sizes and we are all so beautiful. And the products that are advertised will not make you more beautiful, it’s what’s on the inside that matters.

Advice with B blog Life September 21, 2015 New Series?! | Advice with B

I’m currently writing this on the plane back to Texas from my month-long London trip. I just finished reading Louis Pentland’s (aka Sprinkle of Glitter) book and felt inspired. I don’t know if this will ever make it to the Internet (it did!) or even turn into anything, but I just felt like writing my thoughts out. 

(P.S. This post was written over a month ago in August)