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blog Life May 29, 2014 Sunburn Tips and Tricks

It’s been almost two weeks since I got my severe second degree sunburn (and a bout of sun poisoning) and I am almost all healed up. I just have some peeling on my arms and my shoulders are extremely dry/cracked. I only took photos of the redness on the first and second day because it was way too gross to take photos of my blisters and burnt skin peeling. And by peeling, I meant that my shoulders had brown skin peeling off because the second layer of skin was burnt also (at least that’s what I think happened).

blog Life May 23, 2014 Throwback Thursday | My Sister’s Wedding

I’ve been MIA since Friday and I apologize. I had a severe second degree sunburn/sun poisoning and have been pretty much out of commission since Saturday.

I was going to wait till Friday to post something, but my sister’s wedding was exactly 9 years ago today, so I wanted to write up this post really quickly and share a few photos from that day…

blog Life May 16, 2014 Flashback Friday | Harry Potter Studios

Hey everyone! Welcome back! I had a ‘Week in Photos’ blog post planned, but I didn’t do anything this week. I mainly chilled out in my apartment and watched Netflix. Nothing too fancy… Haha. So I guess I will just share a Flashback Friday photo. 🙂

blog Life May 12, 2014 Mother’s Day | May 11, 2014

Happy belated Mother’s Day to all you mothers out there. So if you didn’t already know, Mother’s Day was yesterday. I treated my mother (& younger brother) out to an early dinner to celebrate. We went to Olive Garden and it was fantastic. I wanted to share with y’all some of the photos I took from our dinner. My mom also gave me permission to post her picture (she never lets me post them)!

blog Life March 14, 2014 Fun Day at the Park | March 14, 2014

Today is just a quick post. I’m in Dallas visiting my sister, her husband, and their two daughters. Today, while my sister was at work, my brother-in-law and I took the girls to the park down the road. It was such a beautiful day. Not too hot, and not too cold.

We took a kite to the park and got little Ellie (she’s 2 years old) to fly it. It was so cute. Here’s a couple of my favorite photos from today. 🙂

blog Life February 24, 2014 I Got A Tattoo!

Hey everyone! I got a new tattoo the other day (February 21). I got it before I went to the Paradise Fears concert in Dallas that I talked about in my last blog post. I got my tattoo at Tigger’s Body Art, it’s across the street from The Prophet Bar. I went with my friend, Jamie, who also got a tattoo. My artist was Jake, who was super nice and really helpful (even though I was being somewhat difficult with the design/size/placement). Their prices aren’t outrageous either, which is always a plus.

blog Life February 19, 2014 Sneak Preview of My Apartment

I moved into my apartment in August 2013, right before I started my sophomore year of college. I only recently got the decorations and organization up to par with what I have dreamed up. I still have some things I want to do to better organize and decorate my space, but right now, I like how it has turned out.

blog Life February 2, 2014 New Year, New Me

I know everyone says this, but I’m actually going to reinvent myself this year. I’ve already begun by not putting myself down and trying to be happier. This is my life and I want to live it as fully as I can. I’m 20 now; I’m no longer a teen. This means I need to be responsible and grown up. I’m turning a new leaf as this year begins.

blog Life February 2, 2014 Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014

2013 has been such a crazy year for me. I’ve got closer to my friends, lost some people, got hurt, met new friends, and traveled to over 25 states. Like with every year, there were lows, but the highs definitely outweighed them.