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2016 Goals | A Little Update

January 22, 2016

When I think of the new year, I automatically think of making resolutions and starting over. In the past couple of years, I’ve written down a list of resolutions, but they’ve never panned out. I think we put so much hype on January 1st and we get excited to make these life changes, but we get overwhelmed and quit by June. At least, that’s how it always go for me.

This year I am going to do something different! I am going to set goals that I want to accomplish on a year long scale, and then on a month to month scale. I think this will help me keep track of my goals and actually make them doable. I’m also not going to put a numerical value on each goal, as that seems to stress me out so much that I never get around to doing it. So read on if you’d like to know what my goals are!

Year Long Goals:

  1. Drink more water: I need to do this desperately. I’m chronically dehydrated and I know my health has declined because of it.
  2. Start working out: This kind of goes hand in hand with the first one as I know I need to be healthier and get to the gym. I’m not going to set a resolution of 3-4 times a week, but just that I need to go. 
  3. Grow my blog: I want to grow my blog so much this year. I’ve been putting it on the back burner for so long, but I really want to change that this year. I have so many ideas for this blog, and I want to see them through!
  4. Start making videos again: This kind of goes with the blog goal, but I want to start making YouTube videos again. I stopped doing them as I wasn’t happy with how they were going, but I want to get back into making ones that I like.
  5. Declutter my life: I’ve already begun to declutter my makeup and wardrobe, but I’m going to keep going and declutter my entire apartment and even my emails and social media accounts. 
  6. Focus on school: Now that I’m getting into my last year and a half of school, I really need to buckle down and get things done. I need to really focus on my schoolwork and not procrastinate (which I am notorious for). I want to end my college career with a bang.

So those are my year long goals. They are really broad and are a basic idea of what I’d like to accomplish. I will be going month by month to define these goals (and maybe some others) on a smaller, more doable scale.  I haven’t really decided if I’m going to post my goals for each month here or just give y’all periodic updates. Let me know in the comments, what y’all would want to see. Also let me know what your goals are, I’d love to hear about them! 🙂

Always be kind, B.

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