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Haircuts and New Clothes | A Little Haul

October 27, 2014

Hey everyone! Yesterday, I decided (spur of the moment) to go get my haircut. I got a long bob, although I’m not too sure how I feel about it. Every time I try to grow my hair out, I go and get it cut shorter. My hair just seems to look a lot healthier when it’s short. I am also starting to part my hair in the middle, which is really weird for me as I’ve had a side part for about 8 years now.

There’s still some blue in it from when I dyed the ends a few months ago. I did get a lot of it cut off though. Hopefully it’ll wash out sometime soon..

Since I was already out getting my haircut, I decided to drive to the mall closest to me. I was on the hunt for a dress, but I couldn’t find one. Although I did find quite a few other clothing items. On the plus side, most of this was on sale. I went to Wet Seal first and got two skirts that were buy one, get one 50% off, a Barbie crop top (also on sale), and Minnie Mouse thigh highs for $1.

The last store I went to was H&M. I found a couple of dresses that I liked online, but couldn’t find them in my size in the store. But I found a few things that I absolutely fell in love with. I found a blue crop top for only $4.95, a Mickey Mouse hands crop top for only $7, a Salt and Pepper cardigan, and an over-sized black and white striped sweater.

So that’s all of the clothes that I got. I’m really excited to wear/style them in the next few weeks. In the comments, let me know of any new clothing items you recently got. Also let me know what you think of my new haircut. I’m still on the fence about it. 🙂

Thanks for reading.


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