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New Year’s Resolutions | A Little Update

January 5, 2015

Well, it’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? Last month was extremely stressful. I was going to do Blogmas, but that was a fail after the first week… Then I had hoped to get a couple of posts in before Christmas, but that also failed considering I got the flu and mild bronchitis, on top of my birthday, Christmas gift making/wrapping, and a family Christmas party. And now it’s 2015, time has really flown by.

For my first post in the New Year, I wanted to reflect a little and then share with you some of my plans/aspirations are for this next year.

2014 was a pretty good year for me. Yes, there were some downs, but there was a lot of good too.

  1. I got to travel with my best friends (we stayed in the UK for a month this past summer, which I have already posted the first half of the vlogs on my YouTube channel).
  2. I somehow got through this school year. College is rough, but I’m hoping I can get on top of it this next semester.
  3. I realized the power of filling in your eyebrows and winged eyeliner. 😉
  4. I just got a new camera, so I’m feeling really inspired to take more photos and better my photography skills. I also have a ton of videos planned for this next year.
  5. I grew into myself and have been steadily loving myself more and more. I’ve seen a definite change from myself in 2013 to who I became in 2014. I hope to keep that momentum going into 2015.

Now that I’ve reflected a little about 2014, I want to share with y’all my aspirations for this coming year.

  1. I hope to grow my YouTube channel and blog even more. I need to get more organized and plan/write posts well in advance.
  2. I want to attend at least one blog conference.
  3. Travel more.
  4. I hope to improve my photography, editing skills, and maybe get a few clients.
  5. Create a scrapbook of all of my travels and finish it.
  6. I want to grow more and become a better person.
  7. I hope to get even better with makeup and find the best shades of lipstick for myself (lipsticks kind of scare me).
  8. And lastly, I hope to feel more comfortable in my own skin and blast those negative thoughts from my brain. I also strive to help others overcome that as well.

I’m really hoping I can accomplish all of these things. Even though some of them are more internal, I think these will just help me become more myself and be happy.

In the comments below, let me know what your aspirations/resolutions are for the New Year. I would really enjoy reading them all.

Thanks for reading.


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